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We Remember Sam Sobel

Unter dem folgenden Link erschien 2010 ein Gedenkaufruf für Samuel Leon seitens der Männerverreinigung seiner Gemeinde: Er gibt Aufschluss über das Leben und Engagement von Samuel Sobel und zeigt, wie tief verwurzelt er im täglichen Leben der Gemeinde ist.

On Sunday, December 19th at 10:30am we will be gathering at CSAIR to install a plaque in Sam’s name on the Tree Of Life display in the main upstairs lobby, as Sam himself did in Edith Sobel’s memory last year. Herschel Sobel, Sam and Edith’s son, and many others will be with us and we welcome your participation as well. After the ceremony, we will convene for a breakfast to share our thoughts and remembrances of Sam.

Sam Sobel, a former CSAIR President, Holocaust survivor, trustee, and lifetime haver at CSAIR, together with his wonderful wife Edith, were committed friends to many of us for many years. He devoted much of his life to helping others, in his distinguished career at the United Nations, his activity in the Riverdale Jewish Community Relations Council and B’nai B’rith, and recording for the blind. He was honored numerous times for his leadership on behalf of Israel and Jewish causes and charities. He was also instrumental in caring for our Shoah Garden, as well as organizing various Shoah events. He participated in the HIR Choir and always attended the Israeli Day parade. He was a living connection to our shul’s history on the Grand Concourse. Now we have the opportunity to reflect and honor Sam and his accomplishments.

We hope you will attend on December 19. You have several ways to participate:

You will have the opportunity to speak about your memories of Sam – how he touched our lives – and what he meant to us. Let us know (on the form below) if you would like to say a few words at the breakfast.

Friends of Sam Sobel who wish to sponsor the event, the plaque itself, and the breakfast will be recognized and listed in the commemorative booklet. Sponsorships start at $25.00. All net proceeds will support the synagogue program that Sam and Edith fostered: the CSAIR Learning Disabilities Fund – which has supported and continues to support special education in CSAIR’s Hebrew School.

Verlegung von Stolpersteinen Panski, Ostseezeitung vom 7./8. 09.2024